We have decided to put some of the material from our Spanish courses online - and also to create new material and videos and upload them too - so that people can continue studying Spanish even though we have had to suspend our classes.   

If you have any requests, please get in touch; 

In many lessons we will use Quizlet, which is a useful online tool to help you learn in a fun and interactive way. Here is a short video explaining how to use Quizlet effectively. It is quite simple, though you may need to sign up first. It is free.

Every blog post will have a level attached. Our Level guide will be useful to help you see which videos are best for you, though of course you can watch any video you want......

COMPLETE BEGINNERS: Self-explanatory, for students who have had very little or no Spanish before. 

Basic Introductions

The Family

Numbers and the Family

Telling the time.

Parts of the Body

Food in Spanish (with el, la. los, las)

Telling the time 2 - a quarter past, twenty to...

Countries and Nationalities

The Colours

BEGINNERS +: For learners who have done one or two courses before, but who are still basically beginners. For our Beginners 2 and 3 courses. 

Parts of the Body

Prepositions of place (preposiciones de lugar)

Regular verbs, Present tense

Animals and comparing in Spanish

Radical Changing verbs

Irregular Verbs, Present Tense

Ser and Estar

Daily routine: La Rutina Diaria

Online sitcom for Students of Spanish

Countries and Nationalities

Rooms and Furniture

Reflexive verbs

Los números más grandes

ELEMENTARY: For those who have done a few courses before, who have a basic grasp of the language but who would like to do a little more. 

Preposiciones de lugar

Regular verbs, Present tense

Animals and Comparing in Spanish

Comparing 2 - No es tan grande como....

Radical Changing verbs

Irregular verbs, Present Tense

Ser and Estar

Past Tense - Practice with song - Te felicito

Past Tense Regular Verbs

Daily Routine; La rutina diaria

Online sitcom for Students of Spanish

El Futuro Simple - The Future in Spanish

Rooms and Furniture

Reflexive verbs 

The future - voy a hacer

The Imperfect 1

PRE-INTERMEDIATE; For those who have been studying Spanish for a year or two, or who have done Junior or Leaving cert Spanish but who need to refresh their language. Still touching on the basics but going into more advanced language. 

Radical Changing Verbs

Animales y comparativos en español

Comparativos 2 - No es tan grande como.....

Imperatives in Spanish - commands and advice

Song for Imperatives Practice - Deja la tristeza

Podcast and blog; Las Ballenas

Podcast and blog - Cenas silenciosas

Practice Imperatives with Video from RTVE - The Spanish return to work

Past tense practice with song - Te felicito

Past Tense regular verbs

Podcast: ¿Como se numeran las calles?

Online sitcom for Students of Spanish

Podcast: La fiesta de Sant Jordi

El Futuro Simple - the Future in Spanish

Past tense, irregular verbs


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