Our eight lesson was about cars. We learnt the different parts of the car in Spanish: Las partes del coche Los faros – the lights El intermitente – the indicators El volante – the steering wheel El embrague – the clutch El freno – the break El acelerador – the accelerator El motor de arranque – the ignition El espejo (retrovisor ) – the mirror El parabrisas – the windscreen El limpia parabrisas – windscreen wiper El freno de mano – handbrake La palanca de cambios – Gear stick We learnt two different phrases to express instructions or commands (you have to…) in Spanish. We have two options: 1)With our impersonal pronoun “se” : Se + a verb in the 3 rd person of singular Example: Se trabaja para ganar dinero – You have to work to earn money. 2)With “Hay que…”: Hay que + verb in the infinitve form Example: Hay que trabajar para ganar dinero – You have to work to earn money. We worked on activity nu...